About Us

Be The Change That We Want To See

Instead of just focusing on reducing our environmental footprint, we asked ourselves “How can we improve our impact and have a positive footprint on Earth?” This is where HireNature emerged!

Our Mission

Develop a technological platform combining Nature’s intelligence with artificial intelligence in order to transform our food system and make GARDENING THE REGENERATIVE SOLUTION for the Earth and humans.

Welcome to the garden of the 21st century!  \o/

Join us in this great adventure and help us building a growing community!

Our Story

As we are passionate about gardening, technology (at the service of humans) and the adoption of a more conscious lifestyle (food, consumption and behaviors in our ecosystem); from the start it was evident that our efforts should be directed towards facilitating gardening in such a way as to encourage

  • All consumers to become local producers of quality food
  • New gardeners to get started without fearing the many challenges on their journey
  • Intermediate gardeners to discover new/better ways of doing things
  • Expert gardeners to push the boundaries and better understand the intricacies behind our choices & actions

In other words, HireNature wants to make it possible for everyone to be part of the solution by doing something fun, essential, and so rewarding!

Overall, we have a strong desire to create a positive and transformative community around gardening and in order to do this we want to provide powerful tools and support to gardeners at every stage of the season.

By offering the Garden Planning Tool, we decided to start at the beginning of the gardener’s journey and tackle one of the more difficult tasks. Indeed, planning the layout of your garden is not only an iterative, time-consuming job, but it is also the most important step governing your expectations regarding the harvest. Since planning involves many parameters, it is easy, even for an expert, to end up with a less than optimal layout. Given the current context and all the challenges we face, it is no longer conceivable to postpone harvest abundance to next year until the lessons learned are included in the planning. Remember, however, that even using the full power of the Garden Planning Tool, any gardener should approach a new season with an experimenter’s mindset.

Note that we are fully aware that the solution we are proposing does not take into account all the parameters ensuring the success of your garden and may never do so, because gardening is one of the most context-driven activities, not to say complex! However, we firmly believe that we are on the right track since already with the first version of the Garden Planning Tool you can successfully manage several features that are extremely difficult to consider manually. In addition, this new technology offers you personalized solutions to your needs and your context!

Excited? Try out the new Garden Planning Tool for free and join our growing community so that together we can work with Nature to be the change we want to see!

Our Vision

The HireNature ecosystem is not only meant to promote and facilitate gardening with very practical and effective tools. Indeed, the HireNature ecosystem ultimately aims to offer a pragmatic approach to directly involve citizens around the world in:

climate change adaptation

By leveraging gardening as an important activity (when done properly) to sequester carbon in the soil , regenerate our ecosystem and reduce food waste.

Food System resilience

By stimulating production by citizens, local and organic purchasing and product traceability.

Healthy lifestyle

By not only helping to grow fresh, quality food, but also increasing the consumption of fruits and vegetables and supporting gardening as an anti-stress activity.

Circular Economy application

By eliminating the concept of waste, by participating in the design of a renewed agriculture model based on a global and inclusive vision, and above all by considering Nature as a model, a measure and a mentor.

While having fun!! ☼

Want To Be Part Of The Adventure?

There are many ways to jump with us on this transformational path and participate in the HireNature ecosystem. Here they are:

Try HireNature’s Garden Planning Tool

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